Therapy for Children

There are many emotional issues that find a corner in our heart, and refuse to die down. With time, these issues can transform into a sort of emotional tumor that impacts negatively on our daily life, such as lack of concentration, enthusiasm, self respect, will to change, encouragement, and so on. These issues can spiral into our lives in various ways and gets channelled into other zones, which can create problems in the relationships, professional life, and health. We address the root cause of the problem after carefully listening the patients, and help in changing the pattern of their thinking and beliefs. It helps in fighting back the problems at hand with much more confidence. However, we do not only try to motivate, but follow the scientific guidelines of psychology to rejuvenate the mental health of the patient, and even follow the medical treatment, wherever necessary to help the patients free themselves from the emotional burden, stress and anxiety that are causing life changing issues.



隔离期间抑郁情绪加重,该怎么办? | 心理自助手册

​在全球新冠病毒大流行时期,人们很容易感到无助和绝望。 下面这些小贴士可以帮助改善你的情绪,缓解抑郁。 …

别拿生娃当儿戏,做好准备再要孩子!要孩子需哪些心理准备? | 心理自助手册

​了解你的风险因素 了解任何风险因素都很重要,但你也应该认识到,每个人都可能受到产后抑郁症的影响。即使你过去从 …


当遇到丈夫的被动攻击时,很难解决问题与分歧。识别某人爆发的的愤怒很容易,但却难以识别到被动攻击行为,且当该人拒 …